Disco Event Videos
Uploading disco event videos to social media has become problematic due to music copyright. We are finding the audio is being muted.
Therefore, we are ceasing the uploading of event videos to Facebook and Youtube until we can figure out a work-a-round.
We will forward the full resolution copy of event videos directly and freely to our customer a few days after their event, as a thank you gift for their business.

Sharing of event photo collages to Facebook and other Social Media sites will continue.
We spend upwards of three hours editing and encoding event videos, and we hope all our customers will appreciate this little bonus.
Planning Portal Development
The development of our in-house client planning portal is on-going.
PHP can be written in two varieties, PDO and Procedual. We now prefer PDO, which we’re learning while coding the app.

We hove now coded the login security pages and the page menus. Next is the Admin calandar and diary for events.
We thought about allowing future customers to book their own events. But this could result in bookings down country.